The Supreme Court of Justice Overpaid to Its Staff?!.
In November 2006 the Chamber of Accounts adopted the Report on financial revision carried out at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) for the period of 2004-2005 (published in Monitorul Oficial on January 12, 2007; read the full text in Russian and Romanian).
And I found an interesting paragraph there relating to the remuneration of the SCJ's personnel labour:
"During the verified period the remuneration of labour of the Supreme Court of Justice's personnel was regulated by the Parliament's Decision # 453-XIII of May 16, 1995 "On the Remuneration of Labour of Judges, Employees of Courts and Prosecutors' Offices". In spite of the fact that the SCJ established the categories of labour remuneration according to the Annex 1 to the aforementioned Decision of Parliament, the rises in wages and bonuses were set in accordance with the Government's Decision # 139 of February 09, 1998 "On remuneration of labour of public employees and persons that carry out technical maintenance supporting the functioning of public authorities, on the basis of the Uniform Tariff Scale", the latter ones being than the ones stipulated in the aforementioned Decision of the Parliament # 453-XIII.So, according to the Chamber of Account's data the Supreme Court of Justice overpaid to its staff more than half a million lei during 2004-2005. Quite interesting, isn't it?...
Taking into consideration that according to para. 15 of the Government's Decision its provisions do not apply to public authorities for which the categories and conditions of labour remuneration are stipulated in special decisions, the Supreme Court of Justice ran up unjustified expenses on labour remuneration in 2004-2005 to the sum of 369.1 thousand lei and exceeded the expenses stipulated in the calculation of expenditures for the year 2005 for bonuses payments in the sum of 209.6 thousand lei and the rises in wages - for 26.8 thousand lei..."
Labels: Courts